Time Warner Cable Revives Usage-Based Internet Plan, But Now It's Optional [Multichannel News]
Time Warner Cable announced this week that it plans to trial an optional plan for customers to purchase metered broadband. Calling it Essentials Broadband, TWC will initally roll out the plan for customers in selected Texas markets.
Essentials Broadband will be an optional plan for customers, and TWC is offering the plan as a way for its customers to save money. If a current TWC broadband customer signs up for the plan and stays under 5 gigabyte of usage each month, that customer will receive $5 off his or her monthly bill. However, if that customer were to go over 5 gigabyte for the month, an overage fee of $1 per additional gigabyte (capped at $25) would be assessed.
As opposed to punative measures for higher-usage customers with mandatory usage limits, Time Warner Cable is offering a value to those who use less bandwidth. Further, customers who sign up for the plan will have a 60-day grace period to get accustomed to the 5 gigabyte limit. During this time no usage fees will be assessed. Instead, customers will simply be notified if they go over the limit.
Customers who sign up for the new plan will have the option to opt in or out of the plan at any time and will also have access to a usage meter that displays bandwidth usage on a monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly basis.
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Posted by: Janie | Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 12:16 AM
The problem with the cosnemur-funded TV model, as I see it, is that it requires a simple infrastructure in place for the non-tech-saavy. I can't see my old relatives easing into a system where they can, or for that matter WANT to, choose which shows they want to buy via a web-connected TV. The beauty of TV, for them, is it works without user interaction (beyond changing channels).
Posted by: Dal | Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 04:36 AM
Well done! Vous avez réussi à dire les choses comme il est fou dans cette affaire et sont très encourageants. Je me sens mieux après avoir viens de lire votre discours, et je regrette de ne pas avoir té e là pour vous rencontrer et d'entendre.
Posted by: Chaussures Louboutin | Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 02:44 AM
Gracias por hacer este discurso y la pantalla. Muchos puntos de cualquier nota brillante. La escritura es un arte, la edición es una empresa (una empresa que locura) y los escritores deben underdand que para sobrevivir tienen que ser inteligentes a los tiempos. Buena suerte con el blog!
Posted by: tee shirt polo | Friday, July 06, 2012 at 03:29 AM
Dése metas establecidas, un a?o, dos a?os, cinco a?os, y tal vez usted nació, así como los demás, a través del trabajo duro, a menudo puede cambiar el destino del 70%. Broken caídas sólo pueden hacer amigos y la cobardía.
Posted by: nike shox pas cher | Thursday, July 05, 2012 at 02:10 AM
15GB is not a great deal per month for watching a lot of oinnle TV and movies, for everything else it should be plenty though. Each movie will be about 0.8GB Each hour of TV will be about 0.5GB Each hour of Internet usage (websites|social) will be about 0.05GBGaming (Xbox, PS3) wise mobile broadband won't provide a great user experience, unless it is for oinnle games (E.g. Facebook, Flash) and these will not use a whole lot.VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 1 vote)
Posted by: Tom | Wednesday, June 06, 2012 at 01:27 AM
Well to be honest to do what you want to do 15 GB isnot going to last you long.I do very ltltie streaming and nor do I play games on lineyet I get through about 40/45 GB a month.To do what you want you need an unlimited account whichmobile broadband doesn't do. You must be on 3 because asfar as I'm aware they are the only ones who do 15 GB a month.Also you mustn't forget from the moment you log on till the timeyou log off, everything you do either involves either an upload ora download and it ALL counts towards your capped allowance.VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)
Posted by: Johirul | Sunday, June 03, 2012 at 10:31 PM
5GB limit? wow. i did that tonight buy downloading the opensuse.org iso.
Posted by: paul cahill | Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 09:44 PM
Glad I was able to help out! Over time I'll be adding more notes and posts, I've just been busy with a Cisco VoIP imittmenlaepon (plan on seeing more about that soon).
Posted by: Ali | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 12:52 AM
It is really a good policy, why are we here? Not so cheap broadband.
Posted by: sunglasses hut | Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 01:47 AM
More than likely this is to refine their bandwidth tracking to be able to implement data caps in the future. TWC wants to avoid the embarrassment of charging people for bandwidth that never existed like AT&T did when they charged folks for data used on days their phones weren't even on. Folks across the river have it and hate it. I really don't want to switch to CinBell Fios but at least I have the option when (not if) the service tanks. Enjoy your vacation Mike.
Posted by: Nate | Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 03:18 PM
Sounds good if they offer this as a $20 or less plan …$15 if under 5GB/$45 max.
Any more than that is a joke for anyone who watches a modest amount of Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Youtube, etc.
Heck, you can blow a fifth of that downloading one update to Mac OS X.
Posted by: Zwei | Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 01:29 PM