Is Google planning to offer IP video to Kansas City? [Ars Technica]
A recent FCC filing suggests that Google's Kansas City fiber project could include an IP-based video service.
The FCC recently reviewed an application from the company's Google Fiber subsidiary that proposed the installation of a fixed, C-band, receive-only satellite station to be placed about 200 miles northwest of Kansas City in the town of Council Bluffs, Iowa. The application states that the station would be used to provide analog and digital audio, data, and video services. The bands that the application proposed to operate within are used for satellite TV downlinks, which would be a necessary component of a IP-based video service.
The FCC has partially approved Google's application for the satellite station.
It's been ten months since Google announced Kansas City as the location of its fiber buildout project.
So far Google has not announced an interest in providing a video in Kansas City, but has admitted that they are continuing to explore the product offerings that will be made available via their fiber network there.
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