Nielsen report: TV ownership declines [Entertainment Weekly]
Nearly every year the Nielsen report on TV ownership shows that the number of sets in the U.S. has increased…that is, until 2012. For only the second time ever, Nielsen has projected a decline in U.S. TV ownership.
The only other time TV ownership has declined was in 1992, which occurred in large part because of adjustments to the 1990 census.
For the past several years, there has been a leveling off of TV ownership. From 2009 to 2010 the number stayed around 114.9 million and grew to only 115.9 million in 2011. According to Nielsen, the number is expected to drop to 114.7 million in 2012. Further, the percentage of homes without a TV grew to 3% - the highest its been since 1975.
The demographic of adults between 18 and 49 dropped even steeper than the overall report, falling 2.7%.
No, actually the TV surevy they contacted me about was completely random. They called me and I spoke with the woman on the phone and got all the details, then they sent my package and $30! I've also gotten a shorter TV surevy from them (last year) that just showed up in my mail with a Free $5 bill! =) I know that Nielsen sends these out to random people, BUT they had never contacted me before. It wasn't until I had been signing up for all of the other Nielsen programs that I started getting random offers from them. Coincidence??? I dunno.
Posted by: Raphael | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 02:33 AM