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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


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The driver for ending cable service will be poor customer service - my recent experience with Charter being Exhibit A.

Cable has been a great option because it has avoided the two-year agreement trap. I would like to see the FCC limit/eliminate those agreements and give consumers more protections/recourse when companies take advantage of their positions.

S Whit

Have been meaning to catchup on your postings. Glad that you are still at it. Not only are they valuable to me as a loyal subscriber, but your insights are valuable to me as a teacher.
By the way - from CVG - we were offered an opportunity to move across the Kentucky river to Cinti; it was a good deal; but we would have had to give up Insight!!!
Seven years here in CVG, mid-town, not a model of middle-class ascendency, and have lost connection to the fastest, most stable Internet transfer rates I have ever experienced, twice. Once was a reset issue; another time it was a confusion of MAC addresses. The cable system has been a little sketchy at times, but that is more than likely the side effect of a 1991 TV.
Thanks for posting.

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