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Monday, January 04, 2010


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Chet Holmes

You guys use INDemand but don't offer HowardTV.

I watch more of my TV via the on demand type services.

Don't be afraid to expand that segment of your product offerings.

Charles Kaplan

When will Louisville get Versus and CBS College Sports in HD?

Ali Moore

I'd like for them to add NBATV

Jason Stiles

Comedy Central HD in Bowling Green Please :-)


I want MLB TV HD in Northern KY !!!!!!!!!


I was hoping to get Versus in HD here in Bowling Green and my wife will appreciate E! This is good news.


I really applaud Insight for their HD line-up in Columbus. When compared to other cable operators, Insight has really been on the forefront in HD offering.

All we need now is Comedy Central, FX, Spike and VH1 in HD.

On another note, it would also be nice if Howard TV was ever made available.


Even though he mentions that every market will get new HD channels in 2010, when will that be....March, July, October, December???? Columbus has competition that is why they have more HD channels then any other market, but Bowling Green. Louisville and Columbus is by far the biggest markets that Insight has, why is Louisville always last to get new upgrades? It is just frustrating. I am not sure if Mr. Willner gets that for Insight customers that are not in Columbus or Bowling Green.


Why does insight not rollout the same HD channels in all markets. I would love versus and E! in HD in Louisville.

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