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Thursday, August 13, 2009


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The only possible reason I would ever see for a cable provider to pop up a message like that would be for an emergency message, like a tornado warning, or national emergency. http://www.fullmediafire.com


AT&T is the most annoying company I have ever received marketing from. I am either called, mailed, or visited by a salesperson from AT&T once a week trying to get me to convert to their services. I just received an email from AT&T today and about lost it. How did they get my address, as I certainly never signed up for it. I hope they are wasting tons of money on advertising for this, because it is annoying as hell.

Oh, and I use antennae and hulu instead of cable, so your $30/month is not cheaper than my FREE.


Very interesting....the first thing that I had to
do when visiting your page was block an annoying
pop-up from http://adland.tv/ asking me to install the QuickTime plugin....
I assume to view some annoying advertisement, since the page looks just fine after I blocked it! Shouldn't your own page be free of annoying
pop-ups before you complain about them ?


This is scary. Comcast will "spam" my cable box, but all it does is light up a little light telling me that I have a message. They do not force the message onto my screen like that.

The only possible reason I would ever see for a cable provider to pop up a message like that would be for an emergency message, like a tornado warning, or national emergency.

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