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Monday, May 12, 2008


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Rupert M.

Keep fighting the good fight!!!

-Snow Family Forever

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i really like your work

thank you

Tom French

Cable A-la-carte may not be the answer but something between that and the bundling is a solution. Most consumers want to know they are in charge of what they buy and get what they want. When bundling gives us a great value we also get a lot of wasted space on the "dial". I do not like to have to go through 150 channels looking for what I want to watch but I do not want to have to pay $100 or more per month to watch the channels I like. I don't think that selecting each channel is appropriate but we could start by indicating the channels we do like and since Insight can communicate with our boxes some other channels that are similar could be added into the bundle and even changed periodically to create interest in new programming without sacrificing the channels we like.

Chris Thurman

I was all for A-la-carte till i read this, I never really though about lesser known networks or yet to be networks suffering.


I think alacarte will be moot soon anyway. Because of my work schedule, almost all of my viewing is VOD anymore. VOD offerings on my service have more than tripled in the last couple of years, most of them being "free" VOD (National Geographic, BBC, Adult Swim, etc.) With the move to digital, how is that different compared to alacarte?

Steve Pugh

I like the idea of Cable A-La-Carte. I only watch my local channels in Louisville and the news channels anyway. I think Insight is a great service however, and would not want Cable A-La-Carte if it truly made them lose alot of revenue or lay off workers. I have had Dish Network, and Direct TV and there is NO comparison, Cable is by far and away a better service. Final Thought, while I don't watch many channels I'm sure there are many with different taste that do. And this blog is a great idea as well. Thanks Michael


It sounds like the real issue for cable companies is advertising on non-popular stations.

Why would any cable company want non-popular channels in a line up or bundle?

I can only speak for myself. But, I only watch maybe six channels on basic bundle and I never use "on demand" option.

Cable A-La-Carte is a good way to weed out the low viewed channels and force channels to listen to customers or die off.

The only issue I have is the government mandating because that moves against choice and nobody knows what the future will bring with technology demands.

That's my drooling about Cable A-La-Carte.

Thanks Michael for the blog.

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